In Linux, these concepts are foundational:

You will see lots of faces in the list (like Mounts, Processes, …) while using containerization tools like Docker.

  • Processes: These are running instances of programs. Linux manages them, allocating resources and scheduling their execution.
  • Mounts: This refers to attaching a file system to a directory, enabling access to files in storage.
  • chroot/pivot_root: These are methods to change the root directory. chroot changes the perceived root directory for a process, while pivot_root is used in system initialization, replacing the old root with a new one.
  • CoW Storage (Copy-on-Write): A resource-management technique where system resources are shared and copied only when modified, optimizing performance and memory usage.
  • Users: In Linux, users are entities with permissions to access and manipulate files and processes. Each user has a unique ID.
  • Namespaces: These are used to isolate processes, ensuring they only see certain system resources. They’re key in containerization, allowing safe and secure multitasking.
  • Memory Management: Linux efficiently manages memory through techniques like paging and swapping, ensuring optimal use of RAM and storage resources for process execution.

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